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Buddha Bowl with Baked Potato. A simple vegetarian dinner dish.


Aromatic, smelling of garlic and a mix of favorite spices, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside - baked potatoes as the basis of a vegetarian dinner "Buddha Bowl"

In our latitude, potatoes have reigned supreme on tables since time immemorial. Many regions of Europe are based on potatoes and there are many national dishes with potatoes in the main course, our kopytka, potato pancakes, Belgian/French fries, because there is still a dispute about their origin, German potato salad, Gołdap kartacze, Lithuanian cepelinai and many others.

A simple dish that pleases the eye and palate.

To prepare the dish, prepare a few roughly equal round potatoes, 50 grams of clarified butter, salt, pepper and your favorite spices, a set of seasonal vegetables, your favorite greens for garnish, an oven-proof dish and a flat bowl.


  • 5 medium-sized potatoes

  • 1 large tablespoon of clarified butter

  • 1 teaspoon of MIX spice for baked potatoes

  • 1 pinch of garlic salt or granulated garlic

  • 1 pinch of pepper

  • 1 green cucumber

  • 1 tomato or several cherry tomatoes

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 2 tablespoons of corn

  • 1 red pepper

  • 1 two iceberg lettuce leaves

  • 1 handful of rocket to sprinkle over the dish


STEP 1 Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut the washed ones into thin slices. I use a large wooden spoon as a base when cutting. By placing the potato on the spoon, you will prevent it from cutting through completely. Place the prepared potatoes in an ovenproof dish. Wash the remaining vegetables and cut them into slices or strips.

STEP 2 Heat the butter in a pot and add all the spices and mix well. Spread the heated butter thoroughly over each potato, on top and in the cuts; I use a silicone brush for this.

STEP 3 Preheat the oven to 180/190 degrees and bake for about an hour 50/60 minutes depending on how big the potatoes are.

STEP 4 In a round, flat bowl, place lettuce leaves on the bottom, arrange potatoes on them, cover with previously prepared vegetables, sprinkle with rocket and ENJOY!

The dish can be enriched with a cold garlic sauce based on yoghurt or gzik - it is delicious, filling, vegetarian and healthy, full of flavour and vitamins.



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